Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A better wife...

There is a fabulous book store here in the valley - Jenson Books. Its on the south end of town & they have a giant warehouse sale once a quarter. We are all book nerds in my family so we LOVE going there. You can fill a "Walmart" bag for $7 and if you bring back a bag to resale, you get $2 off each bag! Its fantastic for kids books, church books, obscure farming books & the random book shopping that I've been doing lately.

I picked up a book at their last sale called "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands", by Dr. Laura. I've heard of her as a radio host, but didn't know anything about her or her show prior to picking up this book. Honestly - I kind of did it in mockery. About 10 pages into the book I started thinking - this lady might actually be on to something!

It was mildly defeating to recognize SO many of my bratty behaviors in this book & then to read about how SIMPLE and pleasant my marriage could be with just a few TINY tweeks on my part.

I finished the book in a couple of days (it was a quick read and very interesting) and I honestly feel like I have a completely different perspective of my marriage and my relationship with Shane. I never thought we had a difficult or trying marriage or that our relationship was bad, but this book gave me some amazing insights on the simplicity of having a respectful and 100% loving relationship. Honestly - I would recommend EVERY WOMAN I know should read it - married or not. And include your husband on what you think, get his feedback on some of what you read. I've been sharing it with Shane and he will be the first to swear by this book. I've put a few of the highlights on this post - but seriously --- do your marriage/relationship a favor & go get this book.

  • Men want THREE things from their wives. If you give them these simple things, there is nothing they won't do for you - usually without asking! Those three things are: ACCEPTANCE, APPROVAL & AFFECTION.

  • A man needs to feel strong & needed as a protector to his woman

  • A man wants respect, kindness & love from his woman

  • A man wants to be put on a pedestal - to show him that he is the most important thing to his woman

  • A man needs enthusiastic approval and appreciateion from his wife

  • A man needs his wifes encouragement

  • If you don't pick your husband as your #1 priority - that favor will, sadly, be returned

  • Complaining is NOT a virtue - complaining does not lead to anything good

  • The simple elimination of criticism will naturally lead to increased feelings of love

  • Mens wives approval is as important as oxygen to them. Surviving their lack of approval is emasculation

  • The husband who has a wife that supports him & praises him is the envy of all the other men who have to live with criticism, sarcasm & constatnt reminders of their failure

  • You know what kind of man you marry. You cannot assume that you can nag, lie, cry and manipulate until he becomes someone else. He will only accept that for so long & then he WILL become someone else - your EX husband

  • Wives need to remind themselves that when their husbands do something differently from how they would do it themselves - it does not constitute a breach of sanity or a display of contempt. It is merely a different way to do something.

  • The basic male is a decent creature with simple desires. Men live to make their women happy.

  • The cruelest thing a wife can do to a husband is to never be happy. Being happy is more an attitude than a reality.

All drama aside & all obviousness aside - I really do recommend this book highly to every woman. It WILL make a difference if you apply it!


Gennae H. said...

I used to listen to her radio show before I started staying home about 5 years ago. For the most part, I love her, although I do disagree with some things she preaches like if you get divorced, don't date until the kids are 18. I have one of her other books it's called something like 10 stupid things people do to screw up their relationship. I remember her promoting the book you are talking about. I just might have to read it! Who doesn't need a little marriage advice?!

P.S. I follow your blog....I just don't comment. :)

The Green Family said...

I read this book over 2 years ago. It was good to hear your book report and remember it all again... thanks!

shelly said...

I read this book when Shawn and I first got married and I thought it had some GREAT advice in it. We have a fantastic relationship also but it's good to remember those simple little things... :)

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