Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time FLIES!!!!

Its amazing to me that a month has gone by since my last post! AHHHH! How shameful! Its funny to me because I obsessively check my "blog circuit" every single day to see whats happening in the world around me. When people don't update their blog for months & months (no names will be mentioned here...) I think to myself - "Why can't they keep up on their blogging? Don't they have TWO seconds of courtesy to let me know whats going on?!?" Needless to say I can be a tad self centered at times. * NO COMMENTS HERE *

The summer has been flying by and I can't believe school will be starting in a month - Yikes! I love how Wally World is always one step ahead & has had back to school stuff out for weeks. *I say this with heavy sarcasm as my thoughts on the institution of WalMart are not kind ones*

The boys are all doing fabulous - three out of four now ride their bikes like a crazy kid biker gang without training wheels and all over our neighborhood. Jack just learned to ride without his training wheels the other day - if he ever slows down enough, I'll get a picture. Its pretty hysterical! Our street is perfect. Let me tell you why. It is not a through street so the only traffic are the residents (only 5 houses built so far) or people who are lost. And all of the residents have little kids so they know to go 2 MPH with the odds that there will be someone's child barreling down the roadway and NOT paying any attention. We've had more than our share of injuries due to biking - too many scraped knees and skinned elbows - they refuse to wear the protective padding I got them. HMPH. Carter had a literal run in with his handle bars & his lower torso that sent us on a quick trip to the hospital. But all is well & they still go out every morning to ride ragged until they break down & have to come in for water breaks or food. *Darn food & water is always trying to ruin my kids lives it seems*

We've also been up to Bear Lake several times in the last month - which of course resulted in sunburns for at least two members of our family at any given time. God did not bless me or most of my offspring with lovely tan-able skin - but pale, freckly and easily sunburnt skin. So lovely! Its one of our favorite places to go even with the burn potential and makes for a great day trip for us being so close!

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